Export-It Plus Benefits
- A single entry data system, which utilizes the initial data input, either from the purchase or sale contract. This data is then used in the creation of any subsequent opposite contract and the invoice. In fact, the sales contract and associated data tables comprise about 85% of the invoice data. The invoice screen acts as a "master input screen" for all post shipment documents and the transfer of information into the ICS and EXDOC systems. This is only one of the many time saving features, resulting in greater productivity in less time.
- Create an invoice and all post shipment documents by linking one or several RFP's to a sale contract, thus eliminating any data input, and reducing errors.
- Ability to produce a complete set of normal CIF documents in less time than it takes to manually complete an RFP (request for permit).
- Produce a contract-costing sheet without the need for further data input, and the ability to amend most data therein. This can also be used in a "what if" scenario.
- Automatically calculates marine freights, and all associated load port and destination costs to be paid, insurance rates and premiums, GST and gross weights.
- Option to calculate freight to port of discharge or to final destination city.
- Inclusion of full GST functionality, which will provide the user with the option to apply the GST if applicable on an individual line item basis, and shown accordingly on the Tax Invoice. Also, record the GST on individual freight or insurance components.
- A warning on unique shipping marks within 12 months to USA, Canada and Israel. Identifies which contract or invoice, and the respective line item number that has the same shipping marks.
- Separate rejection insurance percentage value in addition to the marine insurance percentage value, with option to override either one.
- The creation of a contract actually creates all pre-shipment documents at the same time.
- Separate purchase and sales contracts, thus allowing different clauses, notes, currency, shipment periods, shipping instructions, product description and contract numbers.
- The option to have up to 99 lines of product description printed for either or both contracts and invoices.
- To be able to control separately, the product description for contracts, invoices, bills of lading and health certificates for all products.
- Flexibility on product descriptions for both contracts and invoice, in that the description can be amended at line item level for that shipment, without the need to amend the database table. The database table record remains intact, unchanged.
- Create a number of EDNs and RFPs in seconds via a built in interface, without the need to enter data directly into our EXDOC software, Export-It. No additional data input required except for the "comms scenario".
- "Write back" your EDNs and EPNs> from Export-It to Export-It Plus for inclusion on your documents.
- Update your EDN with values, quantities and permit number from the final invoice at the touch of a button.
- Create an SEW (Single Electronic Window), which is a single EXDOC record containing both RFP and EDN data, This is mandatory for EU meat shipments from 1 Jul 2000!
- Ability to write/link several sales contracts against the one purchase contract, or several purchase contracts against the one sales contract.
- Ability to attach any line items to a contract from any opposite contract, or any line items from any sales contract to an invoice.
- A simple “clone” button on the purchase & sales contracts, which clones every field, including all notes and clauses.
- An easy look up facility which searches and sorts, enabling you to locate the contract or invoice of your choice, instead of wading through your data base or guessing the number of the contract or invoice involved.
- In the case of multiple line items, the ability to lookup and select any line items for viewing or amendment in contracts or invoices.
- The ability to delete any line item, with subsequent line items being retained and renumbered.
- A classification or ledger reference for use by your administration/accounts department.
- The ability to nominate or change the performance owner before creating your RFP. (For meat & dairy exporters only).
- The inclusion of a new field, 'Document Owner', which then allows a different shipper/exporter to be declared on the PRA (export Pre Receival Advice), FI (Forwarding Instruction), and the Health Certificate if required, whilst the other documents are all still in your name.
- The inclusion of a new reporting function, ForEx (Foreign Exchange), which information (the bank reference) defaults to your sales contract. The ensuing reports will set out your total foreign exchange position and also show your close out position on any given day.
- Availability of reports:
Customer by value & volume, unshipped sales or purchase contracts also by product code – all as separate reports, unshipped sale contracts by product summary, shipping schedule, outstanding sale contract balances, sale contracts shipped in a given period, commission, unpaid invoices (debtors), contract short & long position, and a weekly profit & loss shipment report. - The new weekly profit & loss shipment report, is a big feature and a must for any supplier. It breaks down all shipments to an ex-works value per kilo, regardless of currencies and sales unit. It then applies the standard values for the individual products to arrive at the gross profit or loss per line item (product code), shipped in any given week. This report alone is worth thousands of dollars to reproduce, yet we make it available as part of the overall package.
- Ability to "write" your own reports or obtain an answer for any data related inquiry using the Ad Hoc Data Query Function.
- Practically, unlimited notes/clauses (each up to 99 lines) on contracts, shipping instructions, invoices, forwarding instructions, beneficiary certificates, free text document and certificates of origin. These can be in the form of the "standard" type notes or clauses for continual reuse, in addition to unique or "one off" type notes. Both styles can be utilized on the one document.
- A default brand per supplier can be included in the invoice description per line item, or the ability to change the brand on any or all line items.
- Option to print sales terms to port of discharge or to final destination city, e.g.:
CIF Los Angeles, or CIF Chicago. - Ability to override the printing of the sales unit with a non-standard unit in order to conform to a letter of credit. e.g.: sales unit is KGM whereas the L/C states Kgs. All calculations and transfer of information to EXDOC remain unaffected.
- Inclusion of an unpaid invoice (debtor) control section.
- Easy search and automatic resorting of information in most database tables.
- A considerable amount of data already included in the non-sensitive data tables.
- Ability to change the title of any document to assist with any Letter of Credit transactions. As well, you can retain the same report (document) under several different titles.
- A unique printing control section which allows for:
- Easy search and selection of contracts and invoices,
- Controlled printing of pre-shipment documents via purchase or sales contract functions,
- Controlled printing of post-shipment documents via invoice functions,
- Printing to almost any standard laser printer,
- Preview documents on screen before printing a hard copy,
- Printing of all database tables and reports,
- User defined groups or sets of documents or single documents, with options on the number of copies,
- Print selection of documents without the need to go into the individual contract(s) or invoice(s), and
- Collation of multiple sets of documents.
- The system is designed for both single or multiple users and has network facilities inbuilt for an unlimited number of users.
- Ability to export information to your own administration system. With the addition of a separate ODBC module the information contained within the Export-It Plus data files can be incorporated in any specific reporting, associated databases, spreadsheets or other documents using standard Windows® facilities.
- Full Windows functionality and compatibility.
The software may be tailored to a specific exporter's requirements or it may be generally enhanced for specific export industry segments. We will listen to any reasonable request which would improve or further enhance the system. Please contact Syscob to discuss specific modifications or enhancements.