Software for Australian Exporters
Syscob Pty Ltd is an Australian owned and operated company that has been developing and supporting software for Australian Exporters since 1983. We have two software products that have been developed and refined within Australia for Australian businesses. These products have been designed to save time, money and human mistakes therefore streamlining both the Statutory (government) and commercial export documentation process. Both products come with comprehensive user guides and on-line help backed up by what we believe to be the best support available in the industry.
All Commodities Covered!!
Grain & Timber products
Horticultral products
Dairy products
Meat products
Seafood products
Skins & Hides products
Wool products
Honey & Misc items
lnedible Meat products
Egg products
Our Products
Export-It RFP's
An RFP ( Request for Export Permit) is provided by the Exporter and describes product, when and where it was processed, its overseas destination, and other details (for example describing consignor, consignee and transport). When authorized by DoAWR the RFP receives an Export Permit Number [EPN] which allows export of the goods.
The RFP Module will create RFPs for all 10 Commodities within the EXDOC system.
Export-It EDN's
Export declarations provide Customs with details about goods intended for export. The Australian Customs Service's Integrated Cargo System (ICS) processes the information provided and issues an Export Declaration Number (EDN) upon acceptance. An EDN consists of nine alphanumeric characters.
Export-It PRA's
The PRA (Pre Receival Advice) is the electronic replacement for the paper document, known as an Export Receival Advice (ERA), which informs a shipping terminal that a container for export is about to arrive at the terminal. Exporters are required to pre-advise export container cargo details, and receive an acceptance from the terminal, for terminals operated by both Patricks and DP World Australia-wide — before the container arrives at the terminal.
Export-It Plus
Export-It Plus will create most of all your Commercial Documents including.....
- Sales Confirmation
- Purchase Confirmation (if product purchased from another supplier/exporter)
- Tax Invoice
- Commercial Invoice (several styles)
- Pro-Forma Invoice
- Declaration of Compliance
- Packing List with full Pack Descriptions (several styles)
- Exporters' Certificate of Origin
- Free Text Document
- Quality Assurance Certificate
- Customer Cover Letter
- And Many Many others......
NEXDOC - IS here!!

New Export Documentation System (NEXDOC)
The New Export Documentation System (NEXDOC) is a web-based system. It allows clients to request export documentation for primary produce via the web or a software program. NEXDOC will eventually replace EXDOC, which brings with it some changes and benefits.
Documents you can request
Export documentation supported within NEXDOC includes:
- Export permits as required by the Export Control Act
- Export certificates as required by importing country authorities
- Imported product
- Re-export certification
- On-forwarding letters
- Letters of facilitation
- Extra certificates that support the export (such as transit certificates).
NEXDOC, Release and Implementation.
Commodities that are currently being made available in NexDoc are Dairy and other Goods, which should be implemented by mid to late 2020. DoAWR are also transitioning other commodities to NEXDOC in stages, which they expect all commodities will be made available by 2020-2021.
When this transition is complete, NEXDOC will support:
- All export commodities currently available in EXDOC
- Some new commodities such as other goods, honey and companion animals.
When your commodity is available, you can access the system: directly through their website (Portal) for one off Submissions etc.. or
Via our (Agency Services) ensure that you discuss the transition with our agency services staff members.
Find out how to access NEXDOC. Stay informed
Stay up-to-date by checking out project updates
Our Services

Have been using Syscob’s Export-IT & Export-It Plus system for well over 12 yrs. The support all through has been amazing from this friendly, yet profession team.

The support we receive from you guys is fantastic, and you are always a pleasure to deal with you know the software back to front. Highly recommend Syscob.

Thank you for your continued high level of professional customer service
Latest News & Updates....

K-45 Update available
DoAWR have released another update to the EXDOC system to introduce additional fields to RFP applications for Meat Products, and remove All Commercial information for ALL Grain products. This is effective 10/04/2017

J-42 Update available
- Verified Gross Weight for all non-empty container
- Weight calculation method
- Date of verification
- Name of Declarant
- Company name of the Declarant
- Phone or email of the Declarant.

H-41 Update available
EXDOC email address changing. See AQIS new email addresses and Switching between Test & Production for more details.
New field in Consignee table for Consignee TRACES Approval ID which now required for all shipments to EU.

H-40 Update available
Version H-40 contains the following enhancements for DAFF Biosecurity EXDOC Errata 40:
DAFF's Errata 40 EXDOC changes, effective 21 July 2014, primarily affect EXDOC users who deal with GRAIN commodity exports.

2017-07 - Business Systems Program
Australian Exporters should continue discussions with their Importers regarding the update to plant export certificates and the removal of commercial information such as letter of credit and notify party details.